Mother’s Day is the one day of the year that you should sit down with your mom and tell her just how thankful you are that she put up with you through those rough teenage years.  This year, my friends and I thought it would be nice to invite our moms to a Mother’s Day brunch.  To share the hostess role and to get everyone involved, I arranged for each of my friends to bring a brunch dish from one of their mom’s secret recipes. Of course, it took a bit of organization, so that everyone didn’t end up making their mom’s secret recipe for buttermilk biscuits.  It turned out to be a perfect brunch and it was really nice to have all of our friends and their moms together in one place.


  • Canadian Bacon Eggs Benedict and Spinach Eggs Benedict
  • Breakfast Potato Casserole
  • French Toast with homemade raspberry sauce
  • Buttermilk Biscuits
  • Assorted melons
  • Fresh squeezed orange juice

3 of the 4 main menu items were brought by the guests so I arranged with them to bring their food prepared as much as possible without cooking them (we didn’t want them to be cold or soggy when served).  I had everyone arrive at 10:00 and we ate at 11:00.  The daughters prepared the food in the kitchen while the moms visited (and provided cooking tips).  I also provided some simple stuff like fresh melon, orange juice, and assorted jams for the biscuits.