Whether you have a sweetheart at home or are living a single life, it’s fun to enjoy those old-fashioned love stories together with your girlfriends. What better time to experience some of the greatest love stories than on Valentine’s Day? So pull out the comfort food and Kleenex boxes, and have the girls over to watch some movie classics (and have a good cry).
Nothing comforts you during a good cry like chocolate, so make some of your favorite chocolate treats to share with your friends.
- Bon Bons
- Hot Fudge Ice Cream Dessert
- Assorted cookies
- Chocolate Covered Strawberries and Cherries
- Milk
- Hot chocolate
- Easy Latte

Hostess Tips:
Have lots of boxes of Kleenex for anyone that sheds a tear and have plenty of blankets and pillows around; there is nothing like being nice and comfy to watch your favorite movies.
Encourage your guests to wear their comfy clothes including slippers.
You may take a poll before your movie night to get the most popular movies ready to watch that night. You don’t want to be looking through the various streaming services to find the one you are looking for. Have a variety of them ready to go. Some classics are An Affair to Remember, Casablanca, Love Story, An Officer and a Gentlemen, Terms of Endearment, Pillow Talk, Young at Heart, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, or You’ve Got Mail (or any other Meg Ryan or Tom Hanks Movie).