Whether it is for a group or for that special someone, planning a Valentine’s Day dinner is a breeze.  No theme is necessary, just good food, nice music, a few flowers, and some candles will do it.  The key to making the night memorable is to come up with a menu that’s sure to delight your guests.  For instance, my husband loves fish dishes and his favorite dessert is brownies so I started with those anchors to come up with the rest of the delicious menu.


Hostess Tips & Decorations: 

Take the time to make the evening a little more special by dimming the lights and eating by candlelight.  Play some nice dinner music from one of your slower playlists—Coldplay is always a winner in my household on this occasion.  Some might consider it mushy (our teenage son does for sure) but the holiday only comes once a year, might as well do it right – and if you are hosting other guests, this will be the expectation for a Valentine’s Dinner.